July 14 & 16, 2022 – Wardsville Woods

In July, 2022, we helped organize a hike at Wardsville Woods, one of the properties managed by Thames Talbot Land Trust. There are open fields, a community wildflower garden, a ravine forest with a mix of deciduous trees and a wetland associated with the creek that runs through the property.

Here we were happy to find an abundance of insects on the wildflowers.

Great Spangled Fritillary butterflies on Wild Teasel

The wetland and woods provided food (mosquitoes and other insects) for a variety of dragonflies and damselflies and at least one grasshopper.

Wandering Bee – Sunflowers & Mixed Bouquet

Osprey Update

During the day, the young Osprey can been seen standing beside its mother. It can feed itself, but remains happy to have the mother’s help.

This photo was taken from behind the centre field fence at Labatt Park. It shows the nest not round, but oval to maximize contact with the lights. The speckled juvenile is on the left. It has not yet spent much time flapping to exercise its wings.

Remember Harry Nilsson?

Anne Murray’s manager begged these famous pop stars to pose with Anne Murray to add some spice to her image. She was the only one not drunk.

In the eighties, I had several Nilsson albums which I played a lot. Here are some of my favourite songs.