Changing Weather, Changing Views

Our December snow stayed for a while before being washed away by mild temperatures and rain this week. A flock of Ring-billed Gulls arrived a while ago with the colder weather. They seem to have taken up residence here. This week there were about 100 circling over the river. We didn’t have time to catch a photo of the two adult Bald Eagles that were also circling the river in front of our balcony this week.

December 6

December 6

December 8

As the temperature rose, we had days of mist and fog, sometimes with so little visibility we couldn’t see the river.

Misty sunset on December 10, 2024

For now, the snow is gone. The river has overflowed its banks thanks to the rain and snow melt.

We are high and dry and happily looking forward to the holidays!

A Tune for New Year’s Eve

What are you doing for New Year’s Eve?