Late December brought heavy rain and warmer temperatures. The snow melt and rainfall swelled the Thames.

On a mild December day, we traveled the path along the Thames at Greenway Park. There we found a few wintering ducks on the far side of the fast-flowing river – Common Mergansers, Hooded Mergansers and a few Green-winged Teals.

It was pleasant to be out in nature where there is beauty, even in winter.

The new year brought snow and more snow and frequent snow squalls. The snow is beautiful, but creates treacherous walking and driving conditions.

We haven’t ventured out on the trails yet, but were welcomed by friends to view the visitors to their bird feeders. These photos were taken through window glass that gives them a soft focus. The feeders attract a wide variety of hungry birds: House Finch, Northern Cardinal, Dark-eyed Junco, Blue Jay, Carolina Wren, European Starling, Down Woodpecker, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Mourning Dove. Red-tailed Hawks and Cooper’s Hawks sometimes survey the feeding birds, but most successfully take cover in the trees and bushes.

Although it’s snowy outside, our tropical plants are happily blooming inside.

Remembering Peter, Paul and Mary
Mary died in 2009 and Peter died this month. Their music lives on. Here are five songs to remind you.